Inside Our Circle: The Story of Friendship Within Our Squad


"There are friends, there is family, and then there are friends that become family." — Unknown

Hey, what's up everyone? How's your day going? It's haruki.tls123 here again, back with a new blog post! Today, I'm really excited to introduce you to the awesome members of our friendship squad, "The Our Circle Squad" and the story behind it.

As for me, I've never been someone with a ton of friends. Even as a kid, I didn't have any close friends. I mostly kept to myself, doing things alone and not asking for help, not even from my parents. I'd watch other kids playing together and sometimes wished I could join, but I was too shy to ask because we weren't really friends.
As I got older, things started to change a bit. In junior high, I started to know more people, but I still didn't have many friends. I'd walk and eat alone, with books as my only companions. I did meet some classmates in 8th grade who became buddies, but it was mostly just knowing their names. I was friendly on the outside, but inside, I felt a kind of emptiness, like something was missing.

But then, in 10th grade, things took a turn. I met two guys named Fred and Deden, and little by little, we started hanging out together. It made me really happy to have them around. Even as we moved up to senior high school in 11th grade, I was excited to see them again on the first day of class because we are still classmates!!! And that's how our story began.

The Beginning:

So, our squad began with just the three of us: Deden, Fred, and me, as I mentioned earlier. We were like a tight-knit group of four, but sadly, one of our classmates who was part of our little squad had to move to America. Even though his far away now, we still keep in touch and stay connected.



But then, things started getting even better. We met more people who were just like us – funny and into the same things we were. And guess what? They started hanging out with us too! Before we knew it, our friendship squad was getting bigger and bigger as we went through 11th grade. It was like our group was growing naturally, with new friends adding to the fun and excitement.

But Why "Our Circle"?

So, why did we choose the name "Our Circle" for our squad? Well, to be honest, we're not the best at coming up with names! But "Our Circle" just felt right. It's like a circle of friends – simple and straightforward. Plus, there are a couple of reasons behind it. First, during lunch breaks in our 11th grade, me and my buddies would always sit together in a shape of "circle" at our table to eat. It became our thing, you know?...
And then, when it came time to receive our certificates at the end of each quarter, after they announced the honors in our room, we'd all gather in a circle to celebrate and show off our certificates. It was kind of our way of saying, "Hey, we did it together!" and it becomes our way till now in 12th Grade.



The Members:

Alright, enough teasing, it's time to introduce the mischievous and handsome members of "Our Circle" squad. I will not introduce myself further in this one since I already introduce myself on my introductory blog^^!!

So, here they are!!!


Haruki — it's me actually HAHAHAHA.
Pred — My buddy since grade 10! He's not just a jolly pal but also the one behind introducing me to Deden, sparking our trio's crazy friendship. Whenever boredom strikes, you'll find us chilling at his place – free water, free Wi-Fi, what more could we ask for? Thanks, Fred, for always being the ultimate hangout spot! HAHAHAHA 😆.
Deden — he's the calm and cool guy in our group, and he's also the one who claims to be super handsome (but who knows if it's true:>). Just like Pred, he's always up for some mischief, and our squad wouldn't be complete without him. He's really kind, and his laugh is just so funny – it's like a goat or some helicopter! But don't tell him I said that TwT. What I really admire about him is his basketball skills –seriously, he's like a champ even before he hits the court 🏀.


Shashan — he's also one of the chill guys in our crew, if Deden is handsome, then Shashan is the cute one^^. Plus, he's a wizard when it comes to shooting three-pointers in basketball! 🏀 Seriously, this guy is so easy to talk to, and you never get lost in his jokes or antics. Thank goodness we met him – he's also definitely the secret keeper in our group 🙌.
Rohhan — now for this guy, he's one of the smartest guys I know. He's always fully dedicated to whatever he does, and for me, he's suied to be leader like me hehe. Sure, he can be shy at times, but trust me, there are moments when he's just unstoppable! 😂 He's also one of the cunning minds in our squad, so don't mess with him unless you want to go into the heaven. Just kidding, Rohhan is actually one of the kindest souls you'll ever meet, and I've never seen him get angry or upset, not even once 😇.
Mar — Ahhh, the king of corny jokes HAHAHA but don't let that fool you, he's also really nice. And when I say he's crazy, I mean it – this guy has no shame! 😂 You won't even realize you're laughing at his silly robotic movements until you burst into laugh huhu. My first time meeting him was when he make holes in a face mask and wore it around the school – talk about pure madness 😭!.
Itchan — one also of the calm and coolest guy in our squad and let me tell you, when he's drunk, you better bring out your notebook, because he starts dropping words of wisdom and inspirational speeches like nobody's business! It's like an angel descended from heaven BWAHAHHA:)
Tin — the top one of being crazy and the joker in our group. When we first met him, we couldn't stop laughing at his jokes or stunts:< But he's also really kind, generous, and super respectful – I promise! Even though his craziness sometimes goes sky-high, we're so happy to have him in the squad. He brings so much fun to the group! 🎉


Kim — he's the definition of clouds, you know why? Just like clouds float in the sky, this guy is always daydreaming:> He's always lost in his thoughts – like seriously when we are told by our teacher to get a piece of paper for a test, he suddenly ask, "Ma'am, are we having a test?" like it was just announced a seconds ago 😭 But despite his spacey moments, he's one of the reasons why our squad is so much fun. Plus, he's super kind and the true definition of being a "loyal" ❤️
Bins — if Kim is always lost in his thoughts, then Bins is always clumsy! Like seriously, there's never a dull moment with this guy – everything he touches seems to end up on the floor:< I remember when we were eating at Jollibee, he managed to spill the ketchup and gravy multiple times! 😭 Such a waste, but hey, his clumsiness adds so much energy to our squad! Plus, it gives us a reason to watch out for him – who knows, he might trip over his own feet next! Just kidding! 😂
Ter — another one of the chill guys in our group. Ter is my talk-buddy at school for all things crazy and anime-related. We can talk for hours about our favorite shows and the most ridiculous things – he's always up for a laugh
Lhian — last but not the least, he's the one we love teasing in our group. While we're busy cracking jokes, he's the one we joke with. But when he fires back, get ready to laugh your heart out – his comebacks are epic °^° He's like a mix of Tin and Rohhan – funny yet mature. He's also really easy to get along with and just joined our squad recently ❤️

"Our Circle" is more than just a group of friends to me – we're a family bonded by laughter, craziness, and unforgettable moments.
As I end this blog post, I'm reminded of the countless memories we've shared and the countless more awaiting us in the future. To "Our Circle," thank you for being my source of laughter, support, and endless fun. Here's to many more adventures together – may our bond grow stronger with each passing day.


Friendships evolve over time, with some fading as paths diverge, while others endure despite distance and change. Among these, true friends stand out – they're the ones we deeply care about, whose bonds remain strong regardless of time or distance. When you find a true friend, cherish them dearly.
Until next time, haruki.tls123
out!! ❤️💙 sayonara<3

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