Happy Birthday My Dear Friend

February 13, 2023

Here I am waiting patiently for the clock to finally click and turn to midnight so I could finally shout out of joy.
Sending text messages and making calls.

This year I have decided to keep it special for friends. Family is important as well but this year's own is dedicated to friends.

So I made this new friend last year. His name is Somto. Well, it's an indigenous name so you might not be familiar with it. And explaining him in three words I would simply say my coolest gee. I know that sounds funny but that's the truth 😂

He is totally a cool guy believe me when I say that 🤭.

A lot really happened on the first day we met. But one impression I had of him that day was that he is a nice guy, although I had a little part of me telling me that he is a playboy.
Still, on the first day I met him, I broke his nails (yes, I can be that rough). He wasn't particularly mad at me. No, he was. He was totally mad but he did everything to hide it. You know, the gentleman thing. He didn't want to get publicly mad at me for breaking his nails because I was a girl I guess.

But just imagine the scenario of following your friend to go see his ex-girlfriend and she ends up breaking your nail. Wow! I made a terrible mistake that day though.

But this writing has nothing to do with his broken nail but his birthday. So, tomorrow is his birthday. What a coincidence, to celebrate your birthday on this special day. Don't get me wrong, I know many people would mark their birthdays tomorrow, but this is my special friend and you don't know how happy that makes me feel.

He is some kind of a guy that is good at switching personalities, today he is looking at you like he could see through your dress and tomorrow he is an all big brother like. At those times I get to hear things like "Eugenia, don't wear this again, it's not nice." Like, you could imagine that.

He is also a straightforward human being. He is the type that would tell you the truth even if it would hurt. He is the type that doesn't mind what it would cost just for you to know the truth. He doesn't know how to compromise and I think I quite like him for that. He is the kind of person that when you are around them you keep hearing things like " I don't know how you would take this but I really need to say it." Then it's followed by a very hard truth that might be too difficult to swallow.

Well, I guess as humans we need such friends to call us back on track whenever we are going off. Meeting him has been more of a blessing than anything else. And I just want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY SOMTO and also to let you know that I am glad that I came across you in my journey of life.

All images are from my personal gallery

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