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Walk to the park with my nephews馃挄 (ENG-ESP)


English Version

Hi friends and family 馃挄 I wish your week is going great.

A few days ago I went to visit my nephews' house and I'm pretty excited 馃ス馃ス because we see them very few times because we live in another city.

I tell you, one of my little nephews was promoted to 1st grade and we took advantage of the occasion to visit them. We spent 4 days, sharing a lot although I always have the feeling that it is little and that they are growing very fast 馃ゲ I always enjoy it to the fullest.

This time we took my little brother Angel, who has a very close bond with my nephews that although they are not blood I have seen them born and grow up a lot.

Well, one of those days, we decided to go to the park and play for a while, each one according to their age had fun. Playing with the ball and running all over the place 馃ぃ and as always we ended up tired and they with lots of energy.

We hope next month to go back for vacation and spend a couple of weeks together with them. Who discharge my energy but fill me with lots and lots of love 鉂わ笍

Versi贸n Espa帽ol

Hola amigos y familia 馃挄 deseo su semana vaya genial.

Hace unos d铆as fu铆 de visita a casa de mis sobrinos y me tiene bastante emocionada 馃ス馃ス porque los vemos muy pocas veces porque vivimos en otra ciudad.

Les cuento, uno de mis sobrinos peque帽os lo promovieron a 1er grado y aprovechamos el motivo para visitarlos. Estuvimos 4 d铆as, compartiendo un mont贸n aunque siempre me queda la sensaci贸n de que es poco y que est谩n creciendo muy r谩pido 馃ゲ siempre lo disfruto al m谩ximo.

En esta ocasi贸n nos llevamos a mi hermanito 脕ngel, que tiene un v铆nculo muy cercano con mis sobrinos que aunque no son de sangre los he visto nacer y crecer un mont贸n.

Bueno, uno de esos d铆as, decidimos ir al parque jugamos un rato, cada uno de acuerdo a su edad se divirti贸. Jugando con la pelota y corriendo por todos lados 馃ぃ y como siempre nosotros terminamos cansado y ellos con mucha energ铆a.

Esperamos el pr贸ximo mes regresar por vacaciones y pasar un par de semanas junto a ellos. Quienes me descargan la energ铆a pero me llenan mucho mucho amor 鉂わ笍

Texto y Fotograf铆as propiedad del autor