
Hello everyone! I'm here again for another blog, so today's blog I want to share with you the christening day of my niece. March 16, 2024, is the date when my niece got her baptism and christening; it was also the first day of her mother's living place. Before we proceed to the event of baptism, this is also about a day of my life as a person. Hahaha, wow, so now let me tell you about my whole-day event. First, I woke up at 7 in the morning because we planned to go to one of my groupmates for research. I arrived at their house at 10 in the morning, and I waited for my other groupmate to arrive while my friend was having a bath. My groupmate finally arrived, so we decided to share the gospel of God while the owner of the house, who is one of our groupmates, was dressing. After sharing the gospel of God, we proceeded to talk about our research study for us to be able to conduct it, and I hope this study will be conducted successfully. After, my groupmates and, I also planned to have a practice for their mapeh hip-hop dance. By the way, we are not classmates, but we are groupmates because the study we did was a study from last year and we were able to continue it this year. Anyway, they planned to have a practice at 1:00 pm so before proceeding to the venue of practice, here we are eating outside and taking pictures in the bathroom.


That was just too short for us to capture the moment since the time was running out and the time of the baptism was in the afternoon. At that time. It may be noon So fast forward: I was already there at the chapel, where the fiesta and the christening will be held.

This is my niece, or more specifically, my brother's daughter. She was getting ready with her mom. After dressing her up, this is what she looks like.

The dress was given to her by one of her ninang, or godmothers. She was so cute because the dress was too long for her height.




This was during the christening; she was so adorable, and to be honest, she looked like me. There are a lot of people who say that she looks like me, neither her mother nor her father.
After the christening, I took pictures with my mama and papa, together with my niece.




After that, of course, eating will not be forgotten, so after the event, we proceeded to the house to eat.

That is all for today's blog, everyone. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. See you next blog!!! ❤️❤️And I hope you are having a nice day, and may God bless you always.

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