Hello Hiveee!! It's me again @douceink! How are you feeling today? I hope you're all feeling well. Sooo today's blog I'm gonna talk about friends! As I've said from my last blog— I do have a lot of friends now. And I wanted to also include them in my blogs as they marked a very significant role in my life, so I'm having a Part 2!

During my 11th Grade, I was exposed to many friendships, and to tell you, I have also been betrayed by my so-called “ friends ”, so I'm really sensitive about finding new friends, yet in a very unexpected time— I met a circle of friends, who are really genuine and pure! I accidentally got together with them and told you the truth, it was very awkward at first because imagine? Being together with a circle of people for the first time. But as I've talked to them, I realized that we all had the same vibes!


This is the first time I got to be with them, I was hesitant to take a picture with them because I'm really shy and I'm not part of their circle but they welcomed me like I'm no difference from them.


The laughs 🥺

From that day onwards, they always invited me to eat with them and since my friends are now eating with their new friends, I didn't hesitate to agree. I was also very comfortable with them! Whenever we're hanging out, I cannot stop but laugh hard, they're really so fun to be with!

Until, we become close to each other, we even have a GC on messenger, there we always talked about multiple topics, they got me laughing so hard even on messages. My favorite topic is about the boy we once liked. I don't know, I already moved on from my crush, I don't know about them 😂😂😂. They're always feeding my delusions about the boy I liked, even until now they're like “ Yes girl, he looked at you. That only means he likes you ” likeeee, why are you all like that 😭😭😭. Well I am also doing the same so I guess it's a 50/50 hehe.


A rare photo of us gossiping, the facial expressions says it all 😂😂


Us during JS prom wearing our gowns. The only guy there is @langqt. Remember what happened during that prom?? hahahah that was epic.

They became my sanctuary during my hard times, even though they're not aware but they make me feel happy when I'm sad, they make me feel safe, even comforting me by just making me laugh. I never felt this kind of embrace and they are the first one to do so! Their presence really has something no one ever has. They're screaming positivity and I'm really thankful to be part of their circle.

We are 7 in our circle, both of us have different personalities and humor, but we still manage to understand each other


It's me and Karen. She is like the mother of the group, she's really mature and is one of my comfort people.



It's me and @jayceethedreamer. It's when we are doing our script during our 11th Grade, and instead of helping we do selfies instead. She's really the kind of person who is easy going, she also has a sense of humor, we also got along so well because we're both crazy 😂😂


It's a stolen picture of @meahng and I. She's the type of friend whose love language is an act of service, she's always accompanying me and I was like her baby sister when I was with her. I can imagine her being a boyfriend ( only if she's born a he ).


It's a picture of me, Jaycee and Jiscel. That girl covering her face is Jiscel. I don't have a picture together with her because she's really so shy about cameras. She's an introvert and will be talkative when she's already comfortable with you ( well I guess, most of us are. ) She's also intelligent. I love it when she's liking a boy, she's just so cute whenever she blushes.


That girl beside me is @alycha. She's the closest to meeeeee!!! My comfort person ❤️❤️❤️. She's bubbly and full of energy, she also has these presence which will make you more comfortable with her. I love her so much!

I don't have a picture together with Avegael, but I like her so much. She's full of energy and really a great singer!


Those 7 girls really are good friends! They're my treasure, and it really saddened me because graduation is coming, we will be separated from each other because most of us will go to different universities. I guess I just really need to enjoy our last year of being together!

You arrive at the ending of this blog! Thank you so much for rea with me throughout this blog!

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