Bakra Mandi Visit 2024

Hi Hive friends.

Like every year, this year also we spend the night before Eid inside the market because we have many friends and cousins from here who gather together and go inside the market and there. We also like animals of our choice, so we had to buy more animals, this time also we had to buy goats, so it takes more time, so the whole night is spent in the market.

Eid is very special for all of us. We celebrate two Eids in a year, so both are very special. buy and they try to sacrifice good things in the way of God and this thing has been going on for a long time and will continue in the same way until the doomsday, so all of us try to do the same. We must put our share in it, so we left home around 11 o'clock at night and it was a long way,

So we reached here at 12 o'clock on our motorcycles, so when we reached here, the situation was very bad. They seemed to be in the market because there were not so many animals here, so the disadvantage is that when the animals are less, these people increase their prices very much.

People were telling us that they were worth 50,000 to 60,000 rupees and they were caught there for the same weight. So we had to buy goats here, so it took a lot of time because the amount of money we had brought was the same. Had to buy within.

When I entered here, I was very sorry to see the light system, they had installed very little light here, and when the people who brought animals from their villages, they were told that the administration here had they were very worried because they were not being provided with enough things to allow them to stay here for a few days and sell their animals at a good price.

That's why all these people came from the villages to sell their animals, so all these people had increased the prices here because look at last year and this year. So the prices have more than doubled, that's why they have increased the prices of the animals a little extra and every Muslim wants to buy a beautiful animal.

We had 50 thousand rupees for a goat and we had to buy this goat within 50 thousand because our range was so much and within that price we should have got a good goat but when we started market visit we from the beginning to the end, there was so much inflation here, the price of the goat that was there was starting at 80,000.

But it didn't happen that way. We visited the market here for two or three hours and found out all the things related to the rates. The rates here were very high this time because these people had thought together. That we will not reduce the prices, then these people will buy from us at the same price, so there was only one day left, people were also buying under compulsion,

But we thought that we would stay here all night. You will find a good animal by working hard. After walking around for so many hours, you can see in the video that we were making a deal with an animal seller, but it was not so easy to make a deal here. The effort is here to find something of good quality within this amount of money,

So when we were dealing with them for five goats, they asked for three lakh rupees for five goats, we did not have that much money. We had 250,000 rupees for five goats, so we were talking to them for a long time, they reduced some prices in the beginning, and then after half an hour we kept talking to them and then the end.

They gave us these goats and after three hours we got five goats and now we had to buy the remaining five goats but by now we had gone around the whole market and everyone recognized us as we were here. But they have been wandering around for a long time and have come to buy goats, so we got these five goats for two and a half lakhs.

These people take advantage of the night time to sell the wrong animals and many people are abused by these people and when they go home in the light and see the animal, either it is sick or its If something is broken, then it is very wrong. In this way, if they ever sell their own thing from which they are earning money, then it is very wrong and their livelihood is forbidden.

They are selling it in this way, it should not happen at all. They should think about it and not do it at all. The same thing happened to us last year. We bought a goat from here and after that. When I went home I saw that the goat's ear was cut off and the first condition of what we have to sacrifice is that it should be of good quality and beautiful.

It was late in the morning and it was about five o'clock in the morning, it was going to be light, but so far we had bought only five goats and the remaining five goats were left, so after wandering around the market all night, we did not like any of the animals. And those who liked, their prices were high, that's why we were not dealing with any person,

Then after that we thought that now we buy some sticks, so that can be a sacrifice. Then we went to the other side where they had a separate stall, so when we came to know about their prices there, their prices were low, the prices of goats were high,

So we thought of buying them. If there were, it was three out of one hundred and five thousand.

Who is djbravo?

Djbravo real name is Asad-chughtai and i am from Pakistan. Asad-chughtai is an writter, blogger, crypto trader, and nature lover. My goal is to share these special places and natural sights with all of you.

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