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My Cousin's Pinning Ceremony: An Initiation To The Profession


Hello mga ka- Hive. It's me again with another blog to share with you about the pinning ceremony of my cousin.

The Pinning Ceremony happens at the end of a student's program in nursing school which announces their education completion and the the transition into the profession.

My cousin, the niece of my late mother, had her pinning ceremony last July 27, 2024, Saturday, at Cebu Doctors' University in Mandaue City, Cebu. Being the last one to finish college in the family, we all went to Mandaue City to witness the said ceremony including my 78 year old grandmother.

A transient house was rented to accommodate us for 2 nights and 3 days. We are a family of ten members and a house would be a perfect fit than a hotel in terms of its cost. The transient house located in Deca Homes, Cubacub, Mandaue is a two-storey building with two bedrooms and two comfort rooms. They have complete kitchen utilities for us to cook our meals which was a saver for us.


Decided to tag along with my Uncle. Achievement unlocked for driving from my hometown to Mandaue. That has been my goal ever since I started riding.



This was our transient house. The whole house only costs 2,500 PHP per night.

The family woke up at 5 in the morning for the preparation since the ceremony will start at 7am. My auntie, my cousin's mother, cooked our breakfast while the others were taking their shower. We were all a busy bee catching up to the schedule.


My cousin ironing her scrub uniform.


Our breakfast.

My cousin informed us that only 7 people could enter the venue and witness the pinning ceremony. My sister and her fiancé were still traveling from our hometown since they had some other business to finish before going to the city while our youngest and her boyfriend had a wedding to attend to. So it was only me, my cousin's mother, my grandmother, my uncle and his wife who could attend.

When we were all set, we hired two taxis to take us to the University. Thankfully, we arrived on time despite of the traffic. The University's entrance were swarmed with bouquet and garland vendors. My uncle bought a bouquet and then we went directly to the venue which was in 6th floor.





The venue of the pinning ceremony.

We then got into our seats and my cousin went in line for their processional march.


My cousin's POV of their processional march.

By the time, I saw her march towards the stage, I could not help but get teary eyed as if I were her mother. I just got emotional because she is finally graduating and will soon enter the world of employment.

I glimpsed at my Lola who was sitting beside me and I knew she was just holding back her tears. Guess, who I got my being emotional from? I got nostalgic too remembering the moment of my graduation. The feeling of accomplishment and pride. I was so happy seeing the students all smiles in their white scrub uniforms and white heels and shoes.

When the students were all on their seats, the official ceremony started with a prayer in English and in Muslim and a welcome and inspirational message from one the board members of the University. Minutes after, the pinning began. Students were called by fives to come up to the stage to be pinned. My cousin was on the first batch that shocked me. She asked me to take a video of her while being pinned and I did not expect that she will be called immediately. I hurriedly took out my phone and pressed record in panic. In effect, her name being called by the emcee was not recorded in the video. Nonetheless, we were still glad that I was able to take a video of it rather than none at all.


The students marching on the stage.

All the students were already pinned and next on the program was awarding of outstanding students from extra curricular activities to academic. While witnessing those outstanding students being awarded, my sister and her fiancé arrived. Afterwards, the nurses notes, their choir, sang us songs such as "When You Believe" by Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston and one of my favorites "I Lived" by One Republic. We were mesmerized by the angelic voices of the students.

It was followed by the singing of their University Hymn and a congratulatory message from the president. And to end the ceremony, they went to the stage by section for their class picture and proceeded with their recessional march.


The nurses notes serenading us.


All smiles for their class picture.

When all them were already outside of the hall, we went to the exit straight to the lobby and searched for her. The air was filled with hugs, smiles, tears and congratulatory greetings. We hugged her when we found her, gave our congratulations and her bouquet of flowers. And most importantly, the photoshoot session began. There was a photo booth area with a pinning backdrop and we paid 200 pesos to have our pictures taken as a family.


The photo booth area. We don't have the hard copy of the photo yet.



My cousin, her mother and Lola.


Another solo picture.

When we felt like we had taken enough photos, we went to the ground floor and decided to have our photo taken where Cebu Doctors' University logo is visible. The area was flocked and we patiently waited for our turn. Fortunately, a good student offered to take a photo of us.


Complete yet incomplete family picture. Our youngest is missing. LOL

My grandmother was so itchy to go home because she wanted to take a rest and was already starving so, we decided to go home to our transient house. We immediately booked a grab car to take us home.

The pinning ceremony was a heartwarming event for me as it was my first time witnessing it. Seeing my cousin being recognized as a nurse gave me so much glory. All the more, it was a noble moment and experience for my cousin as she dedicates her pin to her mother who single handedly raised her, to our grandmother and another grandmother (Lola's sister) who is currently living in San Francisco, California, USA and the one who financed her studies. Congratulations to you my dearest cousin.

After the pinning ceremony is the graduation rites on the next day and I will be going to share it with you on the next blog.

And that's all for this blog mga ka-Hive. Until the next one.

Thank you for reading.

With so much love - XOXO,
Bev 😘