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Role model

Throughout history, people have modeled other peoples behavior, physical qualities, the way people talk, laugh, dress, walk or even speak. Some have also tried to emulate people from different backgrounds and professions. Even in the scriptures, we are encouraged to imitate certain bible characters that are of positive influence in their time. For example, persons like Abraham, Noah, Job, Esther, Abigail and the rest. In clear words the holy scriptures says "imitate their faith" what about our greatest role model Jesus christ? The bible also says "follow his steps closely" so from the above, we can honestly say that the act of trying to emulate or imitate someone is as old as the world. Though a role model can either have a positive or negative influence depending on one's choice, but in this context, we will focus on examples of positive role models. But before we proceed, let us first discuss the word 'role model'

Who is a role model? A role model is someone who influences or behavior other people like to follow. It can also be described as someone others use as a yardstick for standard of what is right like in being honest, resilient, determined, persevering and so on. Any one can be a role model, it can a teacher, a family member, but in the modern world or culture, people with public visibility like musicians ,, actor/actress, celebrity, common examples. In the world today, we some youths wear jessey inscribed the name of an athlete, even grow his hairstyle, and bear the same nickname. Other examples include dome philosophers , member of a clergy, coaches and so on. Even though people of different backgrounds and ages may have role model, it is generally young people who are still trying to identify with the society that are so determined to emulate certain role models. There are factors to consider:
First, in order to successful in choosing a role model, it is imperative that we choose someone whose beliefs, ambitions, values aligns with our own. Which means we need to choose a role model who is successful on areas we want to be successful in. For example, if we want to a successful athlete, we need to choose a role model that is a successful atheist, that way, we will learn some potentials in him that helped him record success in his career but of we choose a role that doesn't align with out ambitions, its either we fall off course or get lost along the way.
Benefits of having a role model

A role model inspires, motivates guides us in our career pursuit.
They provide support and encouragement during tough times.
They instill self confidence and high self esteem which give a push to our achieving our goals.
The can help is set reasonably goals and achieve them
They can help in our professional life, personal life and help is develop social skills. This is juneinleo. Photo credit: all photos from pixabay