Mothers, the pride of the family


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The most celebrated people in the world are the mothers.
The love and affection that everyone has for their responsible mother is incomparable to any other thing. Mothers are the best friends a child could ever have because the mother is the only one who knows the proper and best care for a child. The love and kind heart of a mother can never be neglected in children's lives.

The presence of a mother in the family and the children's lives can never be overlooked because the mother takes care of the family, peacemaking, and love, consistently nurtures the children, and sets a good example for them.

I always give glory to God for the kind of mother he gave me, oh the love and care for her children is incomparable with any other thing.


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She was indeed a great gift and a God-sent to me as a mother.
I appreciate my mother for making me what I am today because she showed me the right way to go and most importantly the way of the Lord. Thank you, Mummy, for building my foundation on Christ.

My mother has been supportive in every aspect of my life spiritually, physically, materially, and academically.
I can remember some years back when I was young and then I was in primary school when she would wake up very early in the morning to cook for us and to get us ready for school, it was indeed an unforgettable moment.

The care that I received from my mother was a great one, I could recall when I was sick at a time she was running up and down with my father, she kept praying for me, and to the glory of God, my health returned to its normal status.

When I was in a Tertiary institution, my mother supported me in everything I did that time, before my father would give me the money that I needed for school, she was always there for me to give the money to.
My mother, I love you a lot.

My mother is always ready to support me in everything that I intend to do and she always encourages me whenever I am weary or want to lose hope she always prays with me. She wants success for all her children, a great mother.

My mother is an inestimable value and I cherish her, care for her and I can't do anything without my mother she's my counselor, pillar, and companion.
Thank you, my Mummy.

I also celebrate one of my mothers her efforts on me were a great one.
It was recently that I got to know one of her names whom people fondly call her and that is MAMA FOR THE NATION.
It was a great name indeed, and this was because of her kindheartedness.


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She always had other children as her own, she didn't discriminate and she always made sure that everybody around her was treated well and the same way as others
All her kind gestures were always from the depths of her heart and she didn't compromise any other thing with truth and faithfulness.

There is a Yoruba-translated song that is used to celebrate Mother the lyrics go thus :

Mother is the most expensive Gold
That can never be traded with money
She carried my pregnancy for nine (9) months
She carried me on her back for three (3) years
Mother is the most expensive Gold
That can never be traded with money.

It was a great gift from God to be born to a good, caring, and responsible mother.

May the souls of all the responsible deceased mothers rest in peace.

This is my entry for day 12 Mayinleo.
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