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Moscow Under Fire: False Victories and Ukraine's Inevitable Triumph

When the Kremlin proclaimed its "victories" in the war against Ukraine, propagandists were quick to tell their citizens that the aggression would soon end. They were certain that the mighty Russian army would swiftly crush the resistance, and Ukraine would fall before their will. But today, as Moscow itself comes under fire, it becomes clear: there has been no victory, and there will be none.

The reality has shown that Ukraine not only has not broken under the enemy’s pressure but is becoming stronger. Ukrainians continue to fight for their independence, and their courage and resilience have already become symbols of steadfastness for the entire world. Meanwhile, Russia, which so confidently proclaimed its dominance, now faces the consequences of its actions on its own territory.

Moscow under fire is a signal that the war Russia unleashed has no easy resolution, and those who believed victory was within reach were deeply mistaken. War cannot be won by those who invade another's land with weapons. Those who seek conquests will eventually face the fact that violence will boomerang back to them.

For years, Russian propaganda portrayed Ukraine as a weak state that would be easily conquered. However, this underestimation of the Ukrainian people has cost the Kremlin dearly. Instead of a swift victory, they are facing a prolonged war, sanctions, international isolation, and, as the current situation shows, attacks on their own capital.

They fail to understand one thing: Ukraine's Victory is inevitable. This is not just a military outcome; it is a triumph of values, freedom, and human dignity. Those who believe in justice cannot be defeated, even if the aggressor seems stronger at the outset. Today, Russia is reaping the consequences of its aggression, but the real Victory will belong to Ukraine—not only on the battlefield but in the hearts of those who fight for their right to live freely.

Moscow under fire is yet another proof that no aggressor can escape punishment. Ukraine will endure, and Victory will be ours. Victory will come!