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Antic (June 1986)

Cover of the June 1986 issue of Antic

Antic was one of the biggest Atari 8-bit magazines in North America. It also covered the Atari ST at times. The June 1986 issue includes:


  • Summer, Atari Style - It seems that by 1986, most computer camps had already died out. However, there were a number of camps still around that provided computers for learning as one of their many activities. Apparently there was even at least one that taught you skills like running your own BBS.

  • Weather Wizard - A type-in program that will predict the weather based on a few inputs.

  • Decide - A BASIC type-in program for creating a decision tree.

  • Math Art - A type-in program that generates graphical patterns based on mathematical equations and sine waves.


  • Game of the Month: Bomb Squad - A type-in game consisting of ten levels in which you must avoid the mechanical guards and defuse bombs.

  • Starting Out: New Owners Column Lesson 4: Nested Loops - A BASIC tutorial on nested loops with type-in examples.

Table of Contents from the June 1986 issue of Antic

ST Resource

  • 68000 Exceptions & Interrupts - Part two of a three part series that details interrupts and exception handling on the Atari ST.

  • Basic Biorhythmics - A type-in program for generating biorhythms on the Atari ST. There was a (or many) version of this for every computer back in the day.

  • Zoomracks Review - A unique text-oriented database system for the Atari ST that uses a sort of card catalog or timecard metaphor.

  • DB Master One & 1st-Word Review - Review of a couple of pieces of software being included with each new Atari 520ST. 1st-Word is a word processing program and DB Master One is a database management program.


  • I/O Board - Letters from readers with topics including Atari Lie Detector, Silent Service, the Okimate 10 printer, Lunar Lander Construction Set, DOS 2.5 vs. DOS 3, Atari modems, RAM expansion, Amdek disk drives, and a country music BBS.

  • Antic Online - What's new with Antic on CompuServe.

Back cover of the June 1986 issue of Antic

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