MES Livestream 26: Project Blue Beam Deep Dive

Join me as I explore holographic technology and the rumored "fake alien invasion" that may happen sometime in the future.

March 2, 2024 TODAY at 1 PM PST / 3 PM CST / 4 PM EST / 11 PM CAT

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Project Blue Beam.jpeg

  1. MES Links:
  2. MES Super Fan
  3. Super Chat Tutorial
  4. 9/11 Revisionist Building 7 video March 9.
  5. Mark Conlon aka 9/11 Planes Research possible future shows on Project Beam, holographic technology, 9/11 classified / unclassified documents deep dive
  6. Matthew Naus sent me a giant 9/11 poster. Approved by DJW before printing. He made 4: Naus, Andrew Johnson, Dr. Judy Wood, and MES have 1 each:
  7. Allen Forrest quoting George Orwell: @artgrafiken/re-mes-s922sy
  8. Connecting the Dots on Reddit:
  9. Giza Pyramid has 8 sides and NOT 4:
  10. Beirut Explosion:
  11. International Center for 9/11 Accountability:
  12. Toasted Mercedes Benz:
  13. Dick Cheney says Osama had nothing to do with 9/11.
  14. Freemasonry and sports:
    • Sports are not merely "rigged" but likely using a form of black magic to alter reality.
  15. Tucker Putin Kabbalah Red Bracelet.
  16. Peepz waking up to REAL 9/11 Truth:
  17. Osama bin Laden's "leaked" documents reveal he knew the mainstream narrative about fake 9/11 physics LOL
  18. Pi is wrong??
  19. EPIC X thread on twisted steel:
  20. Flying to UBC to save rent:
  21. Google Gemini AI
  22. Fused materials:
  23. How to create ball lightning:
  24. Scott Myers periodic investigation. Government Spooks?? Wife not in prison database, new trial, etc.
  25. WTC sways AFTER explosion and not on impact. Explosion is HIGHER than the plane??
    • Scott Myers footage:
  26. I emailed UBC Materials Engineering, email not working:
  27. Serge Monast 1994 talk on Project Blue Beam:
  28. Missing 1,500 victims of 9/11. Where did the people go?
  29. Bitcoin pumping.
  30. Solar Eclipse livestream:
    • Smarter Everyday video:
  31. Puff Daddy and LeBron James part of the Boule illuminati branch (14:04):
  32. P Diddy straight up pedo.
  33. 9/11 planes poem: Ghost in the Flight:
  34. Green DEW (ashton forbes shared it too LOL):
  35. Random sickness happening (as season changes) / being sprayed with chemtrails??
  36. American public schools WILDIN':
  37. Richard D Hall article by Iain Davis:
  38. COVID class action lawsuit:
  39. Presidential award winning creeps:
  40. Allah hologram + sound projection:
  41. "philips believes that the hijackers of AA77 knew where to avoid being detected by radar due to rough terrain, weather, and busy time of day for air traffic":
    • Radar coverage on 9/11: Commission Sensitive document MFR04021484
  42. Levitation effects, power outages, fuming, etc at Shanksville, Pentagon, WTC:
  43. Ashton Forbes talking about skyscrapers turning to dust wowww
  44. Steve Saul, was interviewed by the 9/11 Commission Investigation, Tuesday, December 16, 2003. Steve Saul was a experienced pilot who flew commuter airplanes prior to becoming an air traffic controller. In 1982 after the air traffic control strike he was hired as a controller and as a training specialist. Saul, alludes to the dangerous speed of AA11. Saul's testimony about AA11 also inadvertently supports the observations of other expert pilots in relation to the 2nd plane that crashed into the South WTC - UA175, which was travelling well above its maximum operational speed of 586mph at 700ft altitude.
    Document Excerpt below:
    "Saul guessed the flight had a speed of approximately 300 or 400
    knots. Below 10000 feet, aircraft are only allowed to have a flight speed of 250 knots, and thus this was alarming.":
  45. Whitehouse UFOs:
  46. Alien invasion at my house:
  47. Final card:
  48. EyesisWatchin project blue beam podcast:
  49. Tucker Carlson saying aliens are real:
  50. All 9/11 buildings had "renovations" right before 9/11: E-Team Quick Clip on March 31, 2001:
  51. 9/11 planes site:
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