Show me a Picture| Bird and Lamp: My Entry

Helle everyone!
I wish you all have a great day and happy!
This is my entry for Feathered Friends - Show Me A Photo Contest Round 89 SHOW ME A PICTURE OF BIRD/S: BIRD AND LAMP initiated by @nelinoeva.

This is the nearest picture I could find for entry. The birds are at the farthest part of the frame and teh center is a lamp post.

I had been addicted to capturing wonderful views of the sky and clouds, and doves too!
The doves are feeding themselves in teh feed mill plant where I was working at and they get startled every time they hear a truck coming their way.

oh, I hope you could see those birds flying gup in this sky.

Before I captured the birds and the lamp post, these clouds are my subjects at first.

This will be all for now and good luck to very one!
Keep safe!

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