The house mentioned yesterday would not be safe (2022.08.14)

Yesterday (on 2022.08.13) I mentioned a possible rent in Szolnok, Hungary. Today I met the brother of my former housemate. The owner of that house. I have not seen the house, but now I know that it would not be safe for my Harris's hawk. We talked approximately for one hour. The owner said that the door of the room is broken in a way that it cannot be locked by a key, and the window is also broken (the latter is covered by an alufolie). Gypsies broke it. They would quickly steal and sell my Harris's hawk and all of my belongings. So it is not possible to securely store values in that room.

This is a no go for me.

I keep looking and asking people, but I nearly gave up. The answer was always "not with a hawk". And I already called dozens of people. Even outside of the 30 km area of Szolnok, Hungary.

If there will be no rent, then I currently have two worst case scenarios:
I go to Spain to live in a cave/tent/abandoned house.
I buy a car (preferably an SUV) to live in it.

If no one let me rent a room/house with my Harris's hawk, then probably I will have to take one of these worst case scenarios.

No matter what, I will not be completely homeless. I will not live on the streets.

Have a nice day and have a nice weekend.
All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.

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