Seven years on the Steem/Hive blockchain (2024.05.17)

I registered on the Steem/Hive blockchain exactly seven years ago, on 2017.05.17.

Many people would write a long post on this occasion/anniversary. I will not.

I am not in the mood to do that (currently neither to write a long post about anything, nor about this occasion/anniversary). I have much older accounts too on the internet. Even from 2007. Account age is just a number anyway.

I write only what I would like to write.

I am not going to force myself to do what I do not like. Many on the Hive blockchain force themselves both to post and to comment.

Social media is not a challenge, nor a contest for me.

I prefer genuine, real content creation and content consuming. Even if nowadays I very rarely do the latter (content consuming).

Nowadays I spend very little time on the internet. I spend most of the day with my new parent reared female Harris's hawk I bought on 2024.04.30, and with the cave/tent living community, in which I live since 2023.

Real, physical community, where people actually care about each other.

I still find time to write blog posts. Maybe not literally every day, but every other day, or every few days. There is a chance that later I will write only one blog post per week, or per month.

I actually like to spend time in the physical world much better than spend time online.

I know that this sounds strange for those, who spend many hours every day to write dozens of comments.

I started documenting my life on the Hive blockchain a few years ago. Probably I will continue to do that in the next years too. Even if not so frequently as in the previous years. There were already times, when I have not wrote a blog post for months.

My progress with the my new parent reared female Harris's hawk is good. There are no updates since my latest blog post.

We still have not started extending the aviary, but soon we will. We already have some pallets. There will be other things too, and the aviary will be bigger, higher and better.

Step by step. One step at a time. Gradually.

The sunshade and the rag already providing shading. Of course this also will be better.

I plan to improve the place. Both for my Harris's hawk and for myself too.

I wrote in the beginning of this blog post that I am not in the mood to write a long blog post. This blog post already has more than 400 words. And this is a long blog post for me. Usually my blog posts are around 100-300 words.

Of course I know that some people on the Hive blockchain often write blog posts longer than 1000 words. Compared to them, this is a very short blog post.

But if I can write something in 400 words, then writing the same thing in more than 1000 words is simply unnecessary.

Longer blog post is not always better. Except if you feel the need to write something very well detailed.

Often a simple, shorter, to the point blog post is better. Especially if you document your life. Often a few sentences are enough.

Have a nice day. All the best. Greetings and much love from Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.

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