My first month with my parent reared female Harris's hawk (2024.05.30)

I bought this parent reared female Harris's hawk exactly one month ago, on 2024.04.30. Her previous owner transported her from Cádiz to Huelva to me, and then I travelled to Tenerife with her by ferry.

Since then she became almost completely tame with me. She still need time to get used to being in a crowd.

I started her socialisation 10 days ago (on 2024.05.20), and she is mostly used to be around people (less than 15 people).

She became 11 months old two days ago (on 2024.05.28).

She is still nervous and stressed, when she is in a crowd. She is jumping off and screaming, but she will get used to the crowd too over time.

Of course mostly I am amongst a smaller number of people with her. To be honest, I do not like being in a crowd either.

As for the expansion/enlargement of the aviary, I already have the pallets. I need to buy only mesh and screws. This probably will be done until the middle of June.

Everything is good.

She have a good appetite. She is on a mixed diet. I give various meats to her. Mouse, rat, lizard, chicken meat. I still have not gave pigeon and rabbit to her.

She is calm in her aviary. Four days ago (in the afternoon of 2024.05.26) I saw her laying down for the first time. The tray was outside of the aviary for cleaning, this is why it is not visible on the photo below.

Five days ago (on 2024.05.25) I posted a short (03:36) video in a Facebook group about the current status of the socialisation of my bird (she is visibly calm in the video, she is preening near the end of the video), because the people there actually care. Some of them even asking me on Facebook Messenger about the progress with her, how my bird is, how I am, if I have help, etc.

No one is asking anything on the Hive blockchain. People rarely even write comments.

Mostly this is why I am not in the mood recently to write Hive blog posts. I rather upload content, where people actually care.

If anyone read this post, then I wrote this post mostly for myself, and probably I will prefer other platforms.

Facebook is obvious. And I already have an Instagram account too, but I have not uploaded anything to it. One of my friends recommended TikTok. And he even uploaded some of my photos to his TikTok profile. I still have not created a TikTok account so far.

Of course I am open to any properly working platform, where there are actual content consumers, actual audience.

I have two YouTube channels, but I have not uploaded any videos to them in the recent past. I am thinking about this too. Maybe it would be good to upload videos there too.

I still do not leave the Hive blockchain. I write and post mostly for myself. When I have something to write and post about my life. This can be once a week, once a month, or completely irregularly. No challenges, no contests, no force. When I feel like.

Either way, I continue posting on the Hive blockchain too, but not every day. I do not post every day on any other platform either.

Those who know me and care about me, know how and where to find me. And probably if I create any other social media account, then I will mention it on the Hive blockchain too. In case if anyone actually read these posts, then they will find it.

Have a nice day. All the best. Greetings and much love from Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.

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