SMaP-153 | Birds in Geyscale


I was planning to write another post today, but after visiting one of my favourite communities, I decided to make a change to my content plan.

I had never had a chance to play with my images in the photo editor, and now I had a good excuse to do so.

As you may have guessed, this photo shows adult swallow chicks about to take their first flight.

As you may remember, I have a family of swallows in my bird house who come to us every year to incubate their eggs.

They often nest in the same nest, but sometimes build a new one. The low ceiling in the hen house makes them easy to observe

And this is the view you can often see from my window at any time of the year or day. Since this photo was taken through a window pane, it was not very suitable for solo content. But after processing this photo became a good variety of my article.

Were you able to count how many birds are in the picture and identify who they are?

This photo was suitable for the contest even without processing, but after colour correction it became even better. These are most likely swans or wild geese returning from wintering in southern countries

Many thanks to all the organisers of this wonderful competition, curators and sponsors, without whom this celebration of wildlife would not have happened!

Camera Nikon Coolpix W300
Winter 2024 | Ukraine
!only original content your find in my blog!

I wish good luck to all the contestants!

And this gif of my ducklings swimming. 🦆


banner and feather divider created by @barbara-orenya


Trade conveniently on

Thanks to @Mahdiyari!


I wish you all a peaceful sky above your head and stable soil under your feet! Take care of yourself and your loved ones so that we can meet again in the hive!!

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