Feathered Friends - Show Me A Photo Contest Round 108

This week's #SMaP - FREE THEME, gives all of us bird lovers a lot of latitude when joining in on the fun. It can't be easy for @nelinoeva to come up with a different theme every week, but this one always works.

A few weekends ago we went back to NJ to visit with some of the family. Whenever we are in the area, one of my favorite places to go is the Wanaque Reservoir, a picturesque area that I'm very familiar with, seeing that this is where I grew up. Being an early riser, I was taking in the beauty of the area before 7:30 in the morning. As is the case in most areas, where there's water there are birds. Before I got out of my car, I could see that I was in for a treat. There were seagulls all over the place just waiting to have their picture taken.
The seagulls that I saw were a little different from others I have ever seen, sporting several white dots on their tail feathers.
The railing the seagulls are perched on keeps you from falling over the edge of the Monksville Dam, a 400-foot drop.


From this vantage point, you can see for miles the beauty of the Ramapo Mountains.

As I made my way down the walkway that brings you over the dam, seagulls by the dozens were landing all over the place while others were taking to the sky.


With no hint of spring, the barren trees made a wonderful backdrop for the seagulls that were airborne.



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Having a mate, even in the bird world, has to be comforting.

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None of what we get to share with each other in the #featheredfriends community would be possible without the tireless efforts of these wonderful folks, @nelinoeva, @melinda010100 and @barbara-orenya, thank you very much!

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