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Dutch Duck Delights in an Amsterdam Canal

Dutch Duck delights.png

Hello Hello feathered friends and all sunny people of the Hive

I was going through some pictures this morning of our trip to Amsterdam last month, and came across this wee bunch of fluffy duck delights that I had to share on the blockchain.

Fittingly the theme in Feathered Friends this week is SHOW ME A PICTURE OF BIRD AND WATER so away we go!


You don't need a degree in the Dutch language to understand what this sign was saying. I have been to Amsterdam a few times, not for a few years mind you.

Cheap travel has ruined so many places as they are crawling with tourists. Even though this was 12th June and not the height of summer it was still full of tourists.

Mrs T and I were being two of them!


But when I peaked behind the sign and looked down at the water, yes I saw and you could see ducks!

It was actually mummy mallard that I spotted first.


You can see the weather was typical British summer weather, as they got plenty of rain!

This was mummy Mallard on the right side keeping a watchful eye on her children!


She seemed to be standing on a block of some sort.

The kids or ducklings mind you seemed to be having fun standing on pipes.


What struck me apart them being all fluffy and cute of course was how big their webbed feet seemed to be already!


The siblings all with their butts on a pipe!


One of the many beauties of water is ripples and the shapes it makes, look how the water moves around the wee duckling...


If you have been to Amsterdam, actually if you have been to The Netherlands then you will know they love their bikes. It is a great thing, but it means they park them wherever they can.

Yep you will see loads of them on bridges like this.


Talking about ripples, how about some circular ones...


We have to submit one photo as our entry and I am not sure which to do.

I am toying with either the last one, or this one.

Time will tell.


This next one, you can see the kids all were attentive.

I can't remember what they were looking at!

Maybe a cat crossing the bridge or more likely a dog.

Now that I remember there was a cute big fluffy German Shepherd that walked past us on this bridge.

I was going to be all artsy and take a picture from under the sign.

But fluff that, it meant I would have had to lay down on the tarmac and as I said the place was hoaching with tourists.

Get up you silly sod ... said guess who?


You can see how nonplused mummy Mallard was with my antics!


I do hope you liked this little parade of the Amsterdam Dutch duck family!


This post though, is an entry for this week's Feathered Friends - Show Me A Photo Contest Round 177 hosted by the wonderful @nelinoeva in the fantastic Feathered Friends community on Hive.


And I shall pick this one for the entry


They are cute ducklings. But the prompt was bird and water. I love how the water is in circular ripples and I just love the big webbed feet which are so clear in this picture!

What do you think? Was that your favourite?


Thanks for visiting and enjoy the rest of your day!


All images and ramblings are from me, the mad Scotsman TengoLoTodo unless otherwise stated..


Haste Ye Back!

@tengolotodo August 2nd 2024 (2 - August Premium 1 VR)