Show Me A Photo Contest Round 100 - Nimble Indian starlings

This post is my participation in Show Me A Photo Contest Round 100
Hello! I am very glad that our birds returned to us with our beloved Neli. 😃 This is a very cool theme of our favorite contest.
So, I went out with my camera to take pictures... of the sparrows. 😁 Yes Yes!!! I understand that you are surprised, but this is exactly what I wanted. I have never photographed them, although I see them all the time. But, as luck would have it, there was not a single sparrow on our palm tree. 😕 And then, to my happiness, an Indian starling flew in.

These are very funny birds. We call them Mayna.

These starlings were specially brought to our country for a specific purpose. But they turned out to be more cunning: they broke free, multiplied, and even began to displace local birds.

These starlings are very clever at imitating sounds. Sometimes you hear a cat screaming, but the cat is nowhere to be found. But there is Mayna. 😁 I managed to take a few shots but then he saw me.

These birds are not shy, but this starling was probably unhappy that I was using him as a model for free. 😁 He looked at me indignantly and flew away. 😅😃
(all photos are taken by me)

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

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