A Tree Full of Great Egrets

While driving to pick up a used coffee table I noticed a tree full of great egrets.

Fortunately I had the zoom lens in the car and was able to stop and get a few photos.

How many can you see in this photo? There were even more on the other side of the tree.

I suspect they were collected here because a thunderstorm was about to roll in.

They started getting a bit wary of me approaching closer.

These two almost look like something that would be painted on some pottery.

Ooops now I have entered their force field and half of them got scared and flew away. This was one extra skittish if you can see what's trailing behind it lol.

I have never been able to get a great egret in flight pooping at the same time lol. This probably landed on someone's car as it was flying right over a bunch of residential homes.

I wish the clouds weren't quite as dark so I could have gotten clearer pictures.
That's all for now, thanks for looking :-)

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