Feathered Friends - Show Me A Photo Contest Round 84 / Pigeons

Hello everyone.
For Smap contest round 84 and this weeks free theme I choose pigeons.
Pigeons are birds that are always around. You can see them in these parts, Bosnia and Herzegovina, during all four seasons. In cities they are quite accustomed to the people. Near bakeries or places where people eat they come near you and wait for the snack. In some other places they are easily scared off. Even if you slightly approach them they will storm off.
One day while waiting for the bus I saw two pigeons on the bus stand.
Just inspecting around. You may never know when they will arrive or take off.

Yes pigeons can always show up. You can see it in this photo. Can you see third pigeon?

While posting I realized that there is pigeon flying in the back of the photo.

Contest organized by @nelinoeva.

Photos by @sammy00
Some edit on the photos ( clarity and light)

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