Wildlife : Birdwatching - 1375 šŸ¦


šŸ¦‰ Blyth's reed warbler (Acrocephalus dumetorum)

šŸ“š Acrocephalus Greek: acros upper, pointed, kephale head
šŸ“š dumetorum lat .: dumetum thicket, thickets, dumus thorny bush


In this genus of birds it is very difficult to distinguish between species. They are very, very similar to each other. To whom, they constantly keep in the thick of thickets and it is far from always possible to see them.


However, the bird is very easy to hear. Coming to the place where the bushes grow, and it does not matter whether it is a forest or open spaces such as fields or meadows, you can hear a song consisting of various sounds, whistles, voices of other birds, separated by a characteristic crackling sound.

The bird arrives late, according to my observations, somewhere from mid-May. And flies away at the end of August. And they fly low over the bushes. As you can guess, these birds just love bushes!


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