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Wildlife : Birdwatching - 1176 🐦


🦉 The western yellow wagtail (Motacilla flava)

📚 Motacillalat .: mōto, mōtare move continuously, -cilla tail (cilla like a tail - only in ornithology, erroneous established name)
📚 flava flavus (lat.) yellow, gold, golden yellow

A close relative of the white wagtail. And even their lifestyle is similar. The only differences are that the white wagtail prefers to live close to people, and is accustomed to city life and surroundings. And the yellow wagtail is wild, and prefers to live in meadows, wetlands, steppes.
However, in our city, they are also quite familiar to people. Probably often accustomed to seeing fishermen or vacationers on the banks of rivers. Therefore, there is no difficulty in observing them.
They arrive around the end of April, if the spring is warm, or at the beginning of May. And they leave somewhere in August. This year, at the end of July, I took an excursion, and we found only a few birds in those places, although usually we have a lot of them.