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Wildlife : Birdwatching - 1169 🐦


🦉 The Siberian stonechat or Asian stonechat (Saxicola maurus)

📚 Saxicola (lat ): saxum rock, stone, -cola inhabitant
📚 maura (lat.): Moorish, black

Sometimes in the summer I like to visit these birds in the meadow. They are very convenient for observation and photographs, since the meadows have open terrain, a lot of light, relatively good cross-country ability, and these birds are always in sight.

And so at the beginning of July I went to see them. And they already have fledglings. In the top photo you see a female with prey, some kind of caterpillar. And it is intended for a child.
The second photo shows an attentive male. He kept a good eye on the situation and informed everyone else about it. He sat on the tops of the tall grass, and then went down the path.
Well, below it is a fledgling, he was waiting for his parents with food.