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Wildlife : Birdwatching - 1099 🐦


🦉 Blyth's reed warbler (Acrocephalus dumetorum)

📚 Acrocephalus Greek: acros upper, pointed, kephale head
📚 dumetorum lat .: dumetum thicket, thickets, dumus thorny bush

This bird is a big lover of low bushes. She lives in any places where there are bushes, these are forests, and coasts, and meadows, and courtyards of cities. She is very mobile, like other warblers, deftly moves along the vertical stalks of large grasses and branches of bushes, according to the movement of the tops of which you can follow the movements of the bird hiding in the thickets.

This bird is known primarily for her songs. Her song is a combination of various borrowed voices of other birds with a characteristic crackling chorus that is inserted in the middle of the song. And sings at any time of the day, even at night.