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Wildlife : Birdwatching - 1096 🐦


🦉 The brambling (Fringilla montifringilla)

📚 Fringilla (lat.) Finch; fi nco (old German)
📚 Montifringilla lat .: mōns, montis mountain, mountain range

In general appearance, bramblings are similar to chaffinches.
Outwardly, they are distinguished by orange plumage with small spots under the wings, in chaffinches it is blue with pinkish. Their beak is black, while that of chaffinches is dark blue. And of course the voice. The chaffinch has a beautiful, easily recognizable song with two different accents at the end, while the bramblings have only calls and buzzing.
In these photos, the female. As you can see, sexual dimorphism is pronounced. The head of females is grayish, of males it is black. And also in the plumage there is no bright orange color.