Feathered Friends - Show Me A Photo Contest Round 44 - BIRDS IN AUTUMN

Many thanks to @nelinoevafor the weekly contest. And this week's theme is - BIRDS IN AUTUMN


The Eurasian nuthatch or wood nuthatch (Sitta europaea)
This nimble buddy examined the dry leaves. Most likely he was looking for birch seeds that had fallen from the trees. He looked under each leaf and turned them over noisily.


The Eurasian bullfinch, common bullfinch or bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula)
Although it is cool in late autumn, the birds are quite comfortable. Even the bullfinch decided to drink water from a puddle. Moreover, granivorous birds are often thirsty because they eat dry seeds.


The European goldfinch or simply the goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis)
In the fall, you can catch these beautiful birds eating thistle seeds. They fly to the fields in small flocks and sit on the tops of the plants, pulling out their favorite delicacy from there. This picture was taken in late autumn. This young goldfinch, not yet quite an adult, sits on a dried inflorescence and pulls out seeds.


The Ural owl (Strix uralensis)
With the onset of autumn, owls begin to appear in our forests. They roam from the north. They roam alone. And occasionally I manage to make a couple of shots.


The grey-headed woodpecker (Picus canus), also known as the grey-faced woodpecker
This woodpecker found something tasty in a piece of fallen wood.
It is unlikely that these were ants, since it was already cold, most likely it is aphid, it is often found in October.


The willow tit (Poecile montanus)
Another lover of jumping on leaves and rustling them.


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