Wildlife : Birdwatching - 857 🐦


🔶The Eurasian bullfinch, common bullfinch or bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula)

These birds received a strange name in English. In Russia, and the neighboring countries, this bird is called something like "snower". And they got this name due to the fact that they appear in city courtyards and parks with the onset of winter and snow.

In winter, they are easy to spot due to the bright red plumage of the males. Red against the background of white snow is clearly visible. And with the onset of spring, birds begin to fly away unnoticed into the forests.тWe even have people constantly wondering where the bullfinches disappear after winter. Bullfinches are unusually secretive. And so much so that even their flight and flapping their wings are silent.

Some people asked me where I get information about birds. All that I am writing is my personal observations. And you will not read anywhere in encyclopedias and on the Internet that bullfinches do not react in any way to the bait sound. Not at all. I have no idea why. All birds either fly closer to the source of the sound, or response, but bullfinches do not respond to this. Why is it more difficult to photograph them, because you have to go to them yourself and try not to scare them away.



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