young jackdaw (set of 8 images)

Poor light today didnt stop me from borrowing a camera. Each day I go out 4 times (to accompany my girl to school and back). So I bring on the table a lot of streetphoto, and mushrooms (150mm telephoto lens helm me to nail both). Today heaven sent me another model! Actually, it was a while since I posted anything in this group. Ofc I have some old photos to share, but havent got anything new at all - I got almost nothing thru the all summer (except of a little set with a woodpecker).

There were dozens of magpies at our place, and I returned from the village holidays having not a single shot of a magpie! Shame, of course... but I was more focused on insects and mushrooms, and having macro- lens on all of the time didnt help the deal. They never let me closer than 15m distance, and the intresting scenes from their secret life we heard every day a lot, always were hided by the trees and bush.


Ok, now back to my post: I met a cute little jackdaw baby today! I cant say for sure, but probably it was a 3-4 months old?.. A jackdaw teenager :P


But it was young enough to let me come close: I was at a shooting distance of less than 1 meter! It was sitting on a waste site fence, and didnt fly away.


I had no great lighting, it was an ordinary cloudy day with an inevitable rain forecast written in the sky, but maples at the background provided more or less satisfying bokeh.





The closest distance it let me come to. After that, he stepped back and changed pose a few time, letting me have some altered angles. Good guy!


This one has unedited colours (for other shots I processed .raw files and gave them more cold lighting).


See you next time! Thanks for walking with me, see you next time!

All images taken with Canon 5D + Sigma 150mm
Location: St.Petersburg, Russia

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