Ten birding etudes from St.Petersburg .:. SMAP #177


Coot ducks - early April, even before the nesting preparations period.

This post goes for 'Show me a photo (of a bird)' contest, round #177. 'Birds and Water' was the topic of the week. Since St.Petersburg is a port city, full of seagulls flocks... and as I used to watch ducks in the neighboring ponds (we have three duck varieties here), so - I have no problem finding some water in my photos :))) today you will see pics, almost entirely consisting of water! Note, how fluid and changeable the water is - always different! Besides seagulls and ducks, my models also included sparrows and pigeons.


Walking along the water is a very calming activity. I love to watch even a yellow willow leaf drifting on the water. Beauty is everywhere.

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A pair of Great Crested Grebe, early May capture - a bit shy to present me their mating dance... (actually, the nest is already ready). Arent they cute!

I could easily fill in the whole post (and even 10 posts) with captures of these mesmerizing birdies, but I'd rather love to present a selection of different species that I witness at my metropolis.


Seagulls on the coast of the Finland Gulf in the 'natural environment'.



A wagtail has arrived at the watering hole; she is very shy bird, never lets me get closer, always stay frosty. The capture was made with a 300mm lens.


A pair of swans right at the historical center of the city - at the Summer Garden. The very gracious birds that I see only on rare occasions.


Late October - sparrows take a bath procedures; thats an old photo, I think I already published it at the blockchain, but let me take the opportunity to add it to my post as it is a perfect match to the prompt.


All best things in one frame: water, shadows, reflections... and a pigeon!

All images taken by me, copyright (c) @qwerrie
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