show me a photo - bird's shadow

show me a photo (of a bird) - week #20


This photo goes for 'Show me your photo (of a bird)' contest, round 20! This week the topic was delicious: 'Bird's Shadow'. I just had to come up with something special...


location: Ekaterinburg, Russia August 2007 natural lighting
camera/lens: Canon 350D 50mm 1.8 ex-jpg

And I dug in my archives this, very special shot. It is quite special in many ways: as I obtained my 1st digital camera back in 2006, by the time I was only learning the art of photography (i.e. was learning to press the shutter button, to put it more correctly). Yes, I had a 'digital disease' by the time, which means I was shooting almost everything intresting I could encounter on my way. But as far as I remember, shadows and birds were not in the list of the stuff most intresting to me; I was rather after cats, people's faces and anything more bizarre. And this scene attracted me as soon as I noticed it. Probably it is my first digital shot of a bird, and maybe also the 1st #shadow photo.
captured at Ekaterinburg, it was the

This time it is not a pigeon, but probably a sparrow. I noticed the shadow on a top of a tent (note: the bird itself wasnt visible at all!). This might not be a great capture... but I am in love with it.

Check the rules and details to take part, they are pretty standard:

  • weekly challenge, new prompt is published on Sunday;
  • link back your entry in the comment section of the contest post;
  • photo should be your own, obviously;
  • post it in #FeatheredFriends community;
  • your post may feature more photos, just state which one is your entry (otherwise 1st will be taken into account);
  • drop some extra text description;
  • mention the contest name in the title of your post.

! 2.jpg

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