A Beautiful Sublime Sunday at Our Forest Home...

Interesting Light of Slightly Clouded Sun

lightly clouded sun cradled in pine branch.JPG

In this transition of seasons our weather fluctuates between mild Spring days and what seems more like winter with snow returning. There is a saying here that it is never boring for you can just wait a few hours and the weather will change. With all these changes every day there is something new and today brought a return of the juncos with their soft bird calls filling the air. Like the redpolls they are ground feeders and are finding a feast with the melting snow revealing all sorts of goodies.

Come check them out...

Fresh Snow Shows Activity of Squirrels and Birds in Our Yard

bird prints and squirrel prints.JPG

Juncos Looking At Us From Tree Branch

junco on branch looking at me.JPG
junco on branch close up.JPG

Junco Head Cocked Checking Us Out

close up junco on snow looking for seeds.JPG

Happy Junco with Seed in Beak

close up junco on snow seed in beak.JPG

The other character who's tracks I showed earlier is the squirrel who was hanging out close to the feeder.

Squirrel Checking Us Out From Up in Tree

squirrel on branch looking at us.JPG

The squirrel had a stash of cones in a hiding spot by the tree so he bought out some to munch on when we were too close to the feeder for him to feel comfortable to come to.

Close Up Squirrel Eating Spruce Cone

squirrel eating spruce cone.JPG

Squirrel Once Again Checks Us Out From a High Spot

squirrel looking at me with sideway glance.JPG

At the other feeder another squirrel had come down to get some seeds along with the other birds.

Squirrel and Chickadee Checking Each Other Out

squirrel and chickadee by feeder looking at each other.JPG

Finally the squirrel got hold of some seeds on the feeder and he was giving us heck to stay away.

Squirrel Mouth Open Chattering at Us

squirrel mouth open to scold us.JPG

JJ gets frisky with the mild weather and loves to check out the open areas around the forest - newly released from the snow.

JJ Bright Eyed Checking Out the Tree Tops

Close up JJ looking up filter gives highlighted colors.JPG

JJ Sitting Among Labrador Tea Plants

JJ sitting by young spruce tree.JPG

JJ Exploring Between the Spruce Trees

JJ by spruce tree trunks bare patch in snow.JPG

The geese are still slowly returning mostly in pairs always announcing themselves with their honking as they fly above the tree tops.

Returning Pair of Canada Geese

pair of geese flying by the poplar and pine trees.JPG

I'll leave you with one last shot as the sun drops lower in the sky accenting the trees on the horizon.

Sun Dropping Behind the Clouds Close to Tree Line

tree lines going into clouds and sun on top of pine tree.JPG

Bird images are for the #FeatheredFriends community hosted by @melinda010100

Big shout out to @ace108 for running the Beautiful Sunday tag every week supporting the accounts. Also to @c0ff33a for the Sublime Sunday tag for your random Sunday posts!

The photos were taken with my Canon PowerShot SX60 HS.

Thanks for stopping by!

ABUNDANCE TRIBE.gif Creating Abundance on Hive

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