The Bird Bath

When I started noticing the variety of birds in my yard I joined a group and bought some books on backyard bird watching. Always when I work in my garden I have lots of American Robins hanging around waiting for me to dig up a worm for them. Of course I oblige them and and hand over the worms that I happen to find.

As I got more into watching the birds I noticed they loved the sprinkler when I was watering the garden, so I bought a bird bath with a fountain for them. The Robins and Song Sparrows are my most frequent visitors enjoying a midday bath to cool off or clean their feathers. On a rare occasion I have found my Northern Cardinals will use it also ( they probably use more than I have seen them).

Here are some pictures I've captured of my feathered friends the Robin and Sparrow, I hope you enjoy and thank you for stopping by.

Cannon EOS Rebel T2i EF 75-300mm ISO 2500: EF 300; f/5.6 1/500s

Cannon EOS Rebel T2i EF 75-300mm; ISO 2500; EF 300mm; f/5.6 1/500s

Cannon EOS Rebel T2i EF 75-300mm; ISO 200; EF 300mm; f/5.6 1/400s

Cannon EOS Rebel T2i EF 75-300mm; ISO 200; EF 205mm; f/5.6 1/400s

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