The Peregrine Falcon


The fastest bird in the world, caught on camera right here in our neighboring garden.

Something special here for you. A video of a Peregrine in action, at the end of this post!

Yesterday afternoon after our long day at the ocean with the seals hunting sardines, we arrived home and as I opened the car door I heard the famous Peregrine cry.
So I had my camera and off I went immediately to search for the bird.

Oh yes, in my hurry the Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) saw me, but I ever so slowly slid in behind a tree trunk and he was at rest.

Doing his tail thing, he still peeped to see where I was, but 40 meters away, I was no danger to him.

Cleverly he sat behind that thick tree branch to blend himself in with the tree and I would not have seen him, but he moved his head.

There! There's that chilling cry that sends every bird into a panic. Strangely even the crows stayed away.

Oh no, fluffing means that he was about to disappear and so it was as he dived down behind the tree and I waited for about an hour, but he was gone.

How does a dive of more than 300 KPH sound to you?

Oh yes, this one magnificent bird and I was so glad to get him again. Yes, I have posted the Peregrine before here on hive, with his pray in the claws, but nature decided to show him to me once again.

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