Care at the nature reserve. Eagles and Owls.

Many care projects exist at our local nature reserve.

Nature conservation is a big priority here in the Western Cape and in here I will show you some birds that had a taxidermy treatment, as they are used in the bird protection programs.

There are strict rules to follow when one enters into the beautiful nature reserves over here and for us it is always a pleasure to follow all of the rules. They have lovely picnic sites for families, but no fires allowed due to the vast botanical areas right below the mountains.
But I am here to show you the birds.

An Eagle on show here today inside the center offices.


Here we have a Spotted Eagle-owl.

This guy has a vulture shape head, but there was no ID plates.


This one is called a Western Barn Owl.


I think that this one is a type of Kestrell.

This is a Spotted Thick-knee.

Finally, now imagine what would happen to this owl if the mouse was poisoned?

We also have a Predator Rehabilitation Center here that we visited and that I posted about in 2019, so maybe it is time for us to visit them again. We are nature lovers and glad to know that conservancy teaching projects are offered to the public and schools in the areas.
So even in death, these birds live on as subjects in the training classes.

At home we use no pesticides or poisons, as always thinking about the critters that might eat some poisoned being and it's best to use natural cures for problems. Even for the troublesome ants, as the Geckos eat them. So the reason for posting this is to humbly ask every reader to please take care of everything whenever they go into nature. Littering is a big problem here and a discarded candy wrapper can kill a little bird, or some other animal.

Should you ever visit our area in the Western Cape Province of South Africa, then please put this nature reserve on your list.

Here you can see more:

And That's All Friends.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon Powershot SX70HS Bridge camera.

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