A wasp attack to get water.

It is hot and the wasp wants water, but the bath is occupied.

The wasp was droning around the dove's head shouting; C'mon lady your time is up, so give a guy a break!

Now I wonder what you would do if you were to sit in a bath and somebody arrives to chase you out of the bath.
As a boy I was the only man in the house and at the strictly set bath time, it was first my gran, then my mom, then my two sisters and finally it was my turn.

We had a small combustion stove that made the hot water and it was my job every day to clean that black little dirty stove every afternoon in preparation for the next morning's fire. I was usually a bit black after the cleaning job, as it was a coal stove and my last place in the queue made sense, as the water was always dirty after my bath. The part that I didn't like was that it was also my job to clean the bath :)

So, the dove splashed the wasp in a show of defiance.

A Gecko arrived to watch the action in the bath, as it knew that the fight was not over.

And the gecko was right, as the wasp returned with a vengeance.


I wonder what the squirrel was thinking as it watched the battle?

So once again the dove gave the wasp the water treatment.

At it's leisure the dove aired itself while the wasp went home to dry himself.

And finally the relaxing moment in the sun put an end to this story.

So yes, as a small boy I could knock on that bathroom door until my arm was lame as my two sisters took their time in there. Shouting was not allowed in the house and it was a regular tedious affair to get those two out. Then without fail they would finally appear with that haughty royal look that some females have. As if to say, okay poor peasant you can now go and clean your sorry self.
So I see this dove's situation as mother nature explaining to me that it even happens in nature :)

Just another lighthearted post in the hope to get some smiles.

Edit: Oops! I forgot to schedule the post for tomorrow morning.

And That's All Friends!

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon Powershot SX60HS Bridge camera.

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