A mountain sunset here!

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A long line of Sacred Ibis birds crossing the mountain face at sunset! The distance from my camera is 6 kilometers.

Come and see the joke that mother nature played on me at the end of this post!

I was so hoping to get a big bird crossing over the snow peaked mountain tops in the daylight. Must have waited hours, but nothing. But I digress and let me show you this sunset!

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And here they started turning to fly out of my sight!


The sun on its way down behind our house's roof!

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I am tracking backwards to show you where I saw the birds for the first time.

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This is where I saw them coming across, as my view was limited.

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Our late afternoon moon was almost full, but I don't know if I will see the full moon due to the clouds!


A late bird enjoying the last bit of sun!

And here below is the joke!


I spent a long time in the cold here, desperately hoping that some big bird will fly through that snow covered valley.
But no go and wasted time.
However mother nature knew my desires and she decided to give me plenty birds later, but she covered the snow with a blanket of sunset clouds 🤣

Spiteful? No, she just wanted to show me who was in charge lol

And That's All Friends!

All photos are my own, unedited and cropped for uploading!
Camera used: Canon Powershot SX60HS

Have you ever wanted something and you got it in a way that you don't expect?

Please let me know in the comments below!

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