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Junak crtanog filma - detlić 🦜🦜🦜 The hero of the cartoon - the woodpecker

Sećam se kao mala sam uvek volela da pogledam crtani sa detlićem, njegov smeh i sama pojava nikog nije ostavila ravnodušnim.
Predstavlje je kao jedna veoma sipatična ptičica.

I remember as a child I always liked to watch the cartoon with the woodpecker, his laugh and his appearance did not leave anyone indifferent.
The play is like a very cute little bird.

Svako dete je bilo oduševljeno, da padne mrak i da se pojavi crtać na televizoru, zaista je to davno bilo 1940 god. kada su deca upoznala prvi put Peru detlića koji je u to vreme bio pravi hit.
Danas se poneki put pojavi na mali ekranima, ali danas se prave jeftini crtaći poput sunđer Boba koji možda privlači pažnju deci, ali mislim da ih mogu i sami nacrtati.

Every child was delighted when it got dark and a cartoon appeared on the TV, it was really a long time ago in 1940. when the children met the Peru woodpecker for the first time, which was a real hit at the time.
Nowadays, it sometimes appears on small screens, but nowadays cheap cartoons like SpongeBob are made, which may attract the attention of children, but I think they can draw them themselves.

Izvor - Source

Ako ste u šetnju kroz šumu najčešće se desi da čujete kljucanje, znajte da je u vašoj blizini detlić.
Ova ptica koja satima provodi kljucajući drvo u potrazi za hranom ima i veoma tvrd kljun.

If you are walking through the forest, you most often hear pecking, know that there is a woodpecker nearby.
This bird that spends hours pecking at a tree in search of food also has a very hard beak.

Izvor - Source

Često se pitam da smo mi ljudi na njegovom mestu tako udarali glavom o drvo sigurno bismo zaradili potres mozga!
Bila bi visoka cena za malo insekata!
Ali kao što je sve priroda obdarila nečim tako je i njega svojim posebnim osobinama.
Kao što su dug,špicast i jak kljun, lepo perije koje ga krasi, nešto duže kandže kojima se veoma spretno drži za grane drveća.

I often wonder if we humans had hit our heads against a tree like that in his place, we would surely have received a concussion!
It would be a high price for a few insects!
But just as nature has endowed everything with something, so it also has its own special qualities.
Such as the long, pointed and strong beak, the beautiful feathers that adorn it, slightly longer claws with which it very deftly holds on to tree branches.

Ove se ptice nazivaju i prirodni stolari, jer svojim oštrim kljunom i kljucanjem u drvo prave sebi gnezdo u smoj šupljni drveta koju su iskljucali.

These birds are also called natural carpenters, because with their sharp beak and pecking at the tree, they make a nest for themselves in the hollow of the tree that they cut off.

Detlića smatram svojevrsnim fenomenom, koji me oduševljava svaki put kada ga ugledam.

I consider the woodpecker a kind of phenomenon, which amazes me every time I see it.

Your Maya

Friends, English is not my first language, so I'm sorry if there are any discrepancies. Hope you understand it ;-)

(The content of the text, as well as images, videos, and other media, are my own personal and private data.)

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