Tit looks for food on tree branches


This tit was one. She jumped on the branches of the tree and carefully examined them. She was probably looking for pests. These are usually insects, worms and larvae. She was probably very hungry, so she didn't stop for a minute. It was hard for me to follow Rei, I had to constantly move, so that
keep it in a good angle for shooting.


It's good that she didn't fly away. Apparently she was not afraid of me as she was sitting high in a tree. It wasn't very good either. The branches constantly obscured her and it was difficult to focus on her, especially since she was constantly jumping from one branch to another.


I tried to move carefully. I really didn't want her to fly away. The day was good, sunny and the conditions for shooting were not bad. Moreover, there was no one around and no one disturbed me. I tried to watch her and move when she was busy looking for insects on the branches and did not look at me.

The titmouse spun on the branches and constantly turned its side or tail towards me. I had to wait for her to turn her head to me again. I had to spend a lot of time to be able to photograph her.


As soon as she turned to me, I tried to get a good position for the shoot. I have almost always succeeded in doing this. I was not sorry for the time spent.


I was pleased. It is not often possible to photograph birds for so long. As a rule, they quickly flew away and had to look for new ones again.

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