Walk in the park and feathered friends

This Wednesday was a public holiday and the weather was in my favour - sunny and relatively warm. As usual I went in the park in the morning and in the afternoon and while walking the dog I met again plenty of birds. Let me show you around.

Three new bird houses were put in the park and I am curious which birds will decide to reside there. I will keep an eye on them.


The sweet song from chiffchaff could be heard from a distance and luckily the little bird wasn't hiding but I even got it looking at me.




Because we were earlier out, the park was almost empty in the morning. I mean there were no people and luckily plenty of birds. Pigeons were lined on the wire, there were probably twenty of them but I got a shot of three only, because I prefer the close-up.


Further we met woodpeckers. They are always here and hardly we could miss them. First I heard the Great spotted.


Wonderful female, who went down on the trunk and let me click few more shots on eye level.




At the same time Syrian woodpecker were hopping with nut in its bill.


The next shot was from the afternoon - another Syrian woodpecker. Both males. Easy to recognize by the red cap.


There were starlings mixed up with woodpeckers and I did not know where to look first.


I stopped for a while to listen to the songs of the birds, starlings and sparrows mixed choir with blue and great tits.

Below you can see the blue tit, nice little birdie.





I found myself ignoring the Grest tits and having less photos, so here I have just one.


I missed the wren, agai, who was pretty fast and hid among the branches but I got few shots of the goldcrest, but not so good. Goldcrest is also very agile and challenging to focus on him. I think this is a male with orange crest on the head, whle females have yellow crest.



Goldcrest is the smallest bird not only in my country, but in Europe. Just imagine that - less than 10 cm in length and weights between 4,5 and 7 grams.

I have mentioned many times that the photos of the birds are made in our local park which is pretty small. Yet, I am still amazed about the diversity of species.
To give you a clue, where I find them, I add a photo of our area from Google Earth and I have outlined the park.


I still believe that thanks to covid, the flights from the nearby airport being suspended and reduced to a couple per week, made the area safer for the birds.

And I reached the end of the post. Thanks for your time viewing it.

If you like photographing birds, you may wish to enter the contest I host - Show Me A Photo and this week the theme is Bird in Water. Here is the link to the contest post - Feathered Friends - Show Me A Photo Contest Round 9.

Till next time! Stay safe!


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