My entry to the Show Me A Photo contest round 120, birds and more birds.

Here's the thing, I like nature and I like challenges, and taking pictures of birds is one of them is a challenge that I'm liking more and more every day, although my experience is limited in terms of knowledge about species names, characteristics, habits and everything that a passionate person should know, and I don't think it's bad actually, I love photography and spending time outdoors in solitary places and birding gives me all that, so I hope to keep learning more and more every day, for the moment I share with you some pictures I have taken during the last days, I still have many more but I need to finish editing them to be able to share them with you.

Let's start with a bird that you have surely seen in your locality, or so I would like to think, it is the Luis Bienteveo or Pitangus sulphuratus, at least in the area where I live it is quite common and it is called luis because it makes a sound that seems to say that name, in the park where I go you can see it everywhere and at all hours, and to take this picture which is the one I will use for the contest I had to wait for a long time for it to get close enough to take the picture, even so I had to use my biggest zoom lens, the picture was taken at sunset, and I am determined that I must get a better quality picture but that will surely take me time to accomplish.

Canon EOS M50 Mark II, Lens: Canon EF-S 55-250mm f/4-5.6 IS II, 1/500, F5.6, ISO 640, 250mm.

The next picture was taken that same afternoon, it is a dove resting its wings and I think it was falling asleep while doing so, even so I couldn't get any closer because the pond was in the middle and I didn't want to get wet because there was no point, as soon as it saw me approaching it would fly away and I would get wet for nothing, so I settled for this picture.

Canon EOS M50 Mark II, Lens: Canon EF-S 55-250mm f/4-5.6 IS II, 1/500, F5.6, ISO 320, 250mm.

Now we have the Quiscalus mexicanus and in this case if I am not mistaken it is a female specimen, and what I am going to say has nothing to do with machismo, but the females are ugly and with not much color, the males get all the credit with the size and the beautiful color of their feathers, and although it may look like a crow it is not, or at least that is what all the places I have consulted say.

Canon EOS M50 Mark II, Lens: Canon EF-S 55-250mm f/4-5.6 IS II, 1/500, F5.6, ISO 1600, 250mm.

Ducks, there must always be pictures of ducks, but what can I do? They are there and I can't resist taking pictures of them.

Canon EOS M50 Mark II, Lens: Canon EF-S 55-250mm f/4-5.6 IS II, 1/400, F4.5, ISO 200, 84mm.

Now we come to an interesting bird and at the time of taking the picture I did not realize it, because as I say, my knowledge is not extensive about birds, but once I got home and did a little research, it turns out that this bird is called Turdus rufopalliatus, or better known as mirlo dorso canela, mirlo dorso rufo, mirlo nayarita o zorsal dorsirrufo (that's what Wikipedia says), but what caught my attention is the name "mirlo nayarita" since I am living in the state of Nayarit and it makes sense, then we are in front of a bird endemic to Mexico and in this case again in front of a female specimen that at that time was picking up things from the ground for the construction of its nest, well that's what I think I was going to do, the point is that now that I know more about this bird I will observe in some places where I have seen it to take more pictures.

Canon EOS M50 Mark II, Lens: Canon EF-S 55-250mm f/4-5.6 IS II, 1/400, F5.6, ISO 1600, 220mm.

Again the Quiscalus mexicanus together with a Dove, were enjoying the food that a person left for them, although the dove seemed shy and never showed its face and I didn't want to spend more time because I knew that there probably wouldn't be much interest in the photograph, especially since the dove was determined to turn its back.


The final image, the one that closes today's post and I must say that I really like this picture, we can imagine many things, like improving the composition, the angle in which I took the picture etc, but the truth is that sometimes there is not enough time to do what we think and I'm not usually the kind of person who shoots in burst mode my camera, I don't like to have too many pictures of which I can't decide which one I like, that's why sometimes I just take one picture, so I just have to decide if I like it or not, and that's it!

So this final image I do like and I think it captures the essence of what I mentioned in the previous picture, there are many people who leave food for these birds in the park, and that same food is used for rodents, but those are stories and pictures for another post, for the moment this is all, thanks for visiting the post and good luck to the other contestants.

Canon EOS M50 Mark II, Lens: Canon EF-S 55-250mm f/4-5.6 IS II, 1/250, F10, ISO 1600, 250mm.

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