Little ducks in the water, my entry to Show Me A Photo Contest Round 9

Oh my goodness, this time instead of going and doing the post I checked first what the theme of the week was, and luckily it goes with the photos I want to present today to the hive feathered community, so below I will show you the beautiful and tender photos of a mom duck teaching her little newborns to take a walk in the wetland.




We all know that ducks are always associated with water, it is the place where they live, where they eat and where they reproduce and the truth is that we are so used to seeing them there, that many times they go unnoticed, but this time, seeing the tender walk they were taking, I couldn't resist and then I took out the camera, the only bad thing is that they were quite far from the place where I was, so I did my best to get the picture.


This pond that I always go to is quite big, with many animals and birds of which I want to get some pictures, the only bad or good thing, is that lately I see many photographers taking videos and pictures in the place, some are nice and others with too much ego, some with modest gear like mine, and others with expensive and advanced.


I was looking for prices of other zoom lenses to be able to take pictures at a distance without disturbing the birds and to be able to make more interesting close-ups, but the truth is that they are very expensive, I was also looking at a teleconverter that is cheaper but also has its problems.



And well, it's hard to know who the daddy of these ducklings was, I'd like to think this one was the guilty one but I'm not really sure haha.

All photographs are my property, taken by me, @monster-one

Thanks for watching my post, see you in the next one.

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