Admiring Puffins Over Iceland

Hello Feathered Friends Lovers, I'm not exactly new to Hive, but this is my first post in this lovely community, so please be gentle. You know how it is, practice makes perfect 😊

Last July, my family and I went on holiday to Iceland, the land of fire and ice. We were in the south of Iceland, on our way to Vik. We stopped on a small peninsula with a picturesque view, a lighthouse and a large arch of volcanic rock in the sea, known as Dyrhólaey. This is where the photos I'm sharing with you today were taken.

Iceland is a beautiful country that sticks in your mind and you can't forget it. Volcanoes, glaciers, waterfalls, geysers, glacial rivers, geothermal fields, and more and more. And of course, puffins. 60% of the total population of puffin’s lives in Iceland.

Puffins are seabirds that can be identified by their colourful beaks, which change colours throughout the year. In winter it is a dull grey, but in spring it glows a beautiful orange. It is also through colour that males attract females. I read online that their coloured, fluorescent beaks glow under UV light. What this functionality is for, scientists still do not know.

They are excellent fliers, flapping their wings up to 400 times a minute and flying at speeds of up to 90 kilometres per hour. But that's not all, they are also excellent divers: they dive from the surface of the sea to catch their prey. They can dive up to 60 metres deep.

They spend most of their lives at sea, resting on the waves when they're not swimming. In summer, during the breeding season, they come ashore to form large breeding colonies on offshore islands and cliffs. They usually mate with the same partner as in previous years. Some males and females have been together for as long as twenty years!

Dear ladies, if you want a loyal man, marry a puffin - the couple is together for a lifetime and they raise the puppies together. My wife has already missed the opportunity to marry a puffin, but she took one home anyway🤣😂.

Thanks for reading,
feel free to leave a comment, I will be glad to reply to.
Best regards, @miljo76


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