Feathered Friends Comment Contest WINNERS

comment_contest_medium.gif banner by @barbara-orenya

Thanks to @stevenwood and @riverflows for their donations to the prize pool, Be sure and stop by their posts and say thanks!

Thanks to all of you for being so ENGAGED!

39erup.jpg photo credit @papilloncharity
Thanks for allowing us to use your wonderful photos!

@brittandjosie tells the tale of these two church lady geese

Hi Barbera , Hi Joan,
Are you ready for the aria , let us clear your throat for singing and sing out our best notes today as practice before we go to church dear! good idea girlfriend and I hope we can sing psalm 18 that is what I love the most. I am all in let’s practice

Ohhh and girlfriend don’t forget to bow deep in your feathers at the end of the psalm

@gems.and.cookies has these two preparing for a photo shoot!

Always Look Your Best
A very short story.

Cleo is sitting atop the roof all by herself when suddenly Marco swoops in, all excited and almost out of breath screeching: There's a drone up there! There's a drone up there!
Cleo: Where? I don't see anything.
Marco: Over there just right above us. Can you see it?
Cleo: Yes, I see it. Hurry! Let's clean ourselves fast before it takes a picture of us. You don't want to look bad in photos, do you? Well neither do I.
And so they start grooming themselves for the photo shoot.

The End

@lesmann thinks this couple is preparing to go out to dinner

My Story:

Hello Dear,
Another long day at the office,
Well Honey, I'm glad that You flew in safe and sound!
I have an awesome idea, why don't we both get cleaned up, then we can eat and relax!
Great idea!
And so...
The Geese preened themselves before the Evening meal, so they could both relax and watch the Sun go down.

@inalittlewhile's story is about handouts of food.

Marty and Myrtle were well fed geese. Everyday the same plane would fly over and drop loads of seeds right below their favorite chimney.

It had been going on so long that they had become quite accostomed to it, and wasteful in their want.

Marty would stand on guard a few minutes before the plane's normal passing time and squawk like ribbons when he heard the motor coming. Mrtyle would then stop whatever she was doing and fly up to join Marty in his squawking.

It was as if they thought that by squawking, the plane would be forced to drop seed. Then came the fateful day when the plane flew over and didn't drop its payload of featherly food.

The geese stared down at the ground hoping it might somehow produce the seeds. Memories of all the tossed and trampled seeds from days gone by filled their thoughts as they stared at the dirt willingly....

@shemzy thinks these two are checking out the hights!

Wild Egyptian geese stood in the chimney feeling proud to have achieved that height. I can watch the world from here it said.

Minute later

What! How did this bird do it? Watching in surprise.

Geese 1:"Can we try that"?
Geese 2: "you do just break your bones if you fall from this height"

They both looking at the height

1st place

@brittandjosie 8 Hive


each receive 2 Hive





Thanks to everyone for your great engagement! Remember to stop by and leave comments on the wonderful posts in the #featheredfriends community! Some of the larger curators look at posts with a lot of comments on them, because Engagement brings more Value to Hive. COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT



by @barbara-orenya

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