A day out with the emus

Sometimes we can forget how special things are in life or the uniqueness of a simple experience that we will hold onto for our entire lives. Certain memories and moments that leave us feeling great.

Being in my 30s and growing up in Australia I probably take the basic and common emu for granted. It's not like they run around the city but a short drive from the burbs and you will stumble across a few. They're also quite common in nature reserves and Zoos. Often large enough that they are let free to roam around without an enclosure.


Unfortunately due to rising tourism which is a great economic injection to these much needed areas it has also caused some harm to these beautiful birds as people have been chasing them around. They may look safe and friendly but their claws can cut through steel. So one bad experience can lead emus to resent humans and then there maybe a number of people or worse children seriously harmed.

The same has occured with kangaroos which have an immensely powerful kick that can break ribs and kill people. So nature parks and Zoos have started putting in ropes and no go zones so people stop chasing the animals.


Being quite inquisitive birds emus will come upto humans to see what they are doing or if they have food. They're quite tame birds and don't bother people much. Despite a recent story of an emu at the zoo deciding to eat someone's Tiffany and Co earing snatching it from their ear. The Zoo keepers have been monitoring the waste of the emus to try and locate it. But people are sceptical about getting it back as there are so many birds and the land is so open it could end up anywhere or washed away in the rain.

A funny story no doubt and if you're interested in a quick laugh you can watch the news clip


There are other birds around the park also including these Australian geese the Cape Barren which I have recently posted about. A funny grey looking bird which is quite tame and not fearful of humans. Our bird life is off down under, perhaps it's to do with the gravity or maybe we're just odd but our Geese grey and Swans black 🤣

When I see white swans and white geese I think they look weird and no doubt others think the same when they see our birds.


Lil Miss and I had a wonderful time at this former homestead turned Austrliana sanctuary which is refuge to alot of native Australian birds and animals. I guess Emus are easy to contain as they don't fly. Imagine if they did!

It was wonderful seeing lil miss grow and see these experiences as if they were new and seeing them for the first time. She got so excited but fearful at the first emus that approached us. They were bigger than her! But it didn't take long for her to become accustomed to the big birds.

She gets upset because she can't pet them but she understands that it can be a dangerous thing to do but it doesn't stop her from trying!

What are your thoughts of these majestic big birds, do they look odd to you and have you seen one in real life?

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