Red vented bulbul (SMap 119)

Hello everyone!!!

Hello to all feather friends of hive

This week @nelinoeva and @barbara-orenya bring something easy to share for all us in feather friends community. If you love to follow the bird's to capture them than you can easily join this week contest.

  • I choose to share red vented bulbul with all of you.

It's not a common bird here, i see it very hardly in our area. Bulbul has sweet voice that everyone can notice that there's a bulbul singing a song near to us. One day I went to park for walk and after walking i sit on a bench and there i listen some beautiful voice of bulbul and i follow it's voice and find it over the tree.

  • *I try to get some click's of it but before that it noticed that i captured some pictures or maybe it feels frightened from me that's why it move away from that tree and i only captured these successfully."

It's not easy to capture the bird's especially when they feel fear from us and move away from us. But it's really good luck if someone successfully get some beautiful capture.

  • This is my entry to topic free theme for #smap 119 in feather friends community. Give your entry too for the contest.

All the images and giffs are my own.

Thank you for your time and support 💫🤍

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