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Feathered Friends - Round 30 - Birds Sunset and Sunrise.

As you may have notice I post lot's of sunsets and sunrises for the reasons that sunsets and sunrises are not just beautifully colored but because they give me a sense of relaxation and freedom sitting by the beach watching them slowly unfold into something unimaginable oil paintings and what makes a sunset or sunrise even more magical is watching a bird with there wings spread out soaring through the air into the sunset.

Birds to me are some of the most beautiful and mysterious creatures of nature, watching these birds soring through the sky is like watching a bird that has escaped from been trapped in a cage and tasting, freedom for the first time gliding through the air wings spread and ever so happy.

Do you ever feel like a trapped bird in a cage, well never do believe in yourself and never give up spread them wings and move on, like that trapped bird in the cage did, let your soul fly into the air and taste that freedom like these beautiful birds, freedom will make your soul feel lighter and your chances of achieving your dreams will be far greater.

I have always thought to reach your dreams and limits in life don't hold yourself back, think like a bird, these winged birds are a inspiration to freedom and love. Birds are not just a beautiful jewel in the sky, they are your eyes to greater things in life don't remain trapped.

There is only one wish that, I ask from God and that is when, I die that he will reincarnate me into one of these beautiful winged creatures so that, I can soar into the sunset leaving this little world behind and focus on bigger things in this universe.

Feathered Friends - Birds Sunsets and Sunrises - Round 30 - by @nelinoeva