Feathered Friends - Birds and Feet - Round 28.

As @nelinoeva has mention we have covered parts of bird's bodies in previous rounds such as beak, wings, bums and now she is wanting close up of feet and legs, you know I had never taken real notice of birds legs and feet, in more detail and now that this body part of birds has come into question and as, I was cropping my bird photos, I started noticing damn these birds have ugly feet and legs so glad, God didn't make women's legs and feet like that, this would have really made the women a dangerous species, they are dangerous enough as it is now with there claws....haha 🤣

Magpie Bird.

Let me start of with a couple of Crows, this first one is a Australia Magpie which is part of the Crow family they are a smaller Crow then the Raven and are black and white in color more closely related to the Black Butcherbird, all the Crow's have four toes with a pebbly texture there feet and legs have similarities to that of the prehistoric Dinosaurs and are very well designed for griping on to branches with there toes having joints which gives them more flexible to allow them to grip things.



The Black Crow.

The Black Crow or Raven have longer legs and bigger feet to the Magpies but share the same features and similarities as the Magpies but the Crows are bigger in body size like about twice the size and look much scarier.





Pelican Bird.

The Pelican is a beautiful gracious bird there feet are what they call totipalmate feet meaning all there four toes are connected by a webbing in between allowing them to paddle through water like ducks and they have rather short legs which makes them look clumsy when walking on land.



The Peacock Bird.

A Peacock is a most amazing bird with all it's beautiful colorful feathers but it's a bird that has the most ugliest feet, it is said that they cry at there own feet because they are so ugly and it will not fly high in order not to show it's feet, they have four toes on their feet three toes facing forward and other toe facing backwards, it's why there feet are so ugly but this allows them to perch on tree branches much easier.





The Pigeon.

The Pigeons feet are also referred to or also called the Intoeing feet because of it's inward rotation structure instead of there toes pointing forward they turn in allowing them a better grip when they are perched on rounded objects like a rounded rail bar. Pigeon have three toes in the front and one in the back and a close up look at there toe nails, they are long and pointy similar to Crows feet having a Dinosaur look.





Feathered Friends - Birds and Feet - Round 28 - by @nelinoeva

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