Bobbing Wagtail

Two Wagtails Of South Africa

Cape Wagtail or Gewone Kwikkie in Afrikaans (Motacilla capensis) one the Six Wagtails we have here in Southern Africa, this is a frequent visitor with some strange little habits.


Male wagtails will attack themselves in reflective glass or mirrors fighting off invader, my brother had a hanging plant basket that was used for a nest, the male was forever at the window protecting his territory with extreme zest.

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Now I do believe the term wagtail is not common in North America, it is the most common name used where I live because of the bobbing/wagging of it's tail, this little feathered friend related to pipits.

Always on the ground foraging some say they bring you good luck, others surmise the wagging tail is to keep others at bay, all I know is they are a joy to watch moving around with distinct bib around the neck or collar whichever you prefer.



African Pied Wagtail (Motacilla aguimp) Slightly bigger with more striking black and white features in feathers, also does the bob and weave walk pumping their tails up and down.

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Dead or alive insects enjoyed by this species of bird, not too much written about them perhaps they remain in plain sight, never questioned.

Both local pairs breed in shallow nests in many different settings, as mentioned around the home you may find a couple enjoying hanging pots, under house eaves, old trees.


Please correct me if I am wrong in any identification, photographing and finding out more about our birds has become a hobby.


All photography is my own, video taken out the window this morning, any queries or requests please drop a comment below, have a wonderful day!

Thought for Today: The wagtail hops and flaps its wings, but the male dove feeds and coos. - Maltese Proverb

Communities On Hive I Enjoy: #powerhousecreatives hive-114105, #qurator hive-102880, #featheredfriends @melinda010100 in hive-106444, #wednesdaywalk @tattoodjay in hive-155530, #amazingnature @adalger in hive-127788, #alwaysaflower @dswigle in hive-154065, #feelgood community @barbara-orenya in hive-190931, #fungifriday @qwerrie in hive-166168


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